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Concert Review - 11/24/12 Craft Culture Showcase at M.O.M’s in Doylestown – Our Griffins and Cruiser

Concert reviews are somewhat of a staple here at Root Down in the Shadow.  This concert review is quite special, as it comes from a concert buddy!  What better way to share the joy of music than to hear what a friend of the site thinks! So, without further hesitation.  The first contributor post, by my special concert bud, Mariel Lorenz!   Although there are some great clubs in Philly, if you’re out in the ‘burbs and want to see some up and coming bands, look no further than in Doylestown on a Saturday night. M.O. M.’s ( Maxwell on Main ) hosts the Craft Culture series featuring local bands and even some not so local ones. Plus it’s all free, which can always sweeten the deal for music lovers who are searching for new sounds to get into. This past Saturday, there was certainly a packed house for the double bill of Our Griffins and Cruiser. Two bands with very different styles, but both had great EP’s which I was curious to see translate live. First up was Our Gr

Cover Songs of the Year 2012

1. Spirit Family Reunion - "Green Rocky Road" Traditional Sandwiched in the middle of their incredible 2012 release No Separation , this traditional has become owned by the Brooklyn sextet. Green Rocky Road has been played in the past by such folk stars such as Arlo Guthrie or Elizabeth Mitchell, but none has taken the song on with such a life! Mat Davidson on fiddle & Maggie Carlson on banjo have absorbed every note and tone of the song and bring it alive. Just watch the video once(Skip ahead to 4:05), and you will be hard pressed to not want to watch and hear more from this band. On this short 3 song set, you get a great glimpse into this jovial and upbeat band. Spirit Family Reunion - "Green Rocky Road" Tiny Desk Concert If you have the opportunity, go see this band live !  Pittsburgh that means YOU. Spirit Family Reunion is coming to Club Cafe on December 11th! Previously Featured:  Concert Review April 2012 or Concert Review October 2011

2012 Cover Songs of the Year - Daytrotter Edition

I've never been a fan of end of the year lists that down allow you to experience the selections.  Just reading about some great songs doesn't allow validation of the list.  For this brief list, I placed a playlist on the website, so everyone can hear it! You do need to register for the site to listen to the list, but it is so worth it.  For $2/month you get access to some of the best sessions out there for live music PERIOD.  You can register for a free trial, to see how great it is on your own.  If you are not interested in the site.. Here's a rundown of the list! Although a short list, I didn't want to waste time with so-so songs.   The first two are from the must have session, Mumford & Sons and Friends . #1 Reincarnation , is a Roger Miller standard. In this take, the "friend" of Mumford & Sons is Taylor Goldsmith of Dawes . It's such a simple and pure song, that I find my self singing it to my daughter during ou

Philadelphia metro area November Concert Preview

Despite being on a writing hiatus these last several months, I have not left my obsession of concerts and new music.  I am very eager to share some of my recent exploits with my readers, including some albums to add to your holiday wish lists.  But before it's too late, I owe some of you a much needed Concert Preview post! Here goes! First up: SPIRIT FAMILY REUNION . When Spirit Family Reunion comes to town, you won't be lost in the glitz and glamour.  In fact, you rarely see singer Nick Panken outfitted in much more than a white T-Shirt!   With or without setlist, what you do have is a pure love for the bringing their joyful noise to the fans.  What comes to mind is Revival when listening to this sextet.   Whether spiritual, traditional or folk, it's a sound that can only leave you warm inside and smiling on the outside.  NPR Tiny Desk concert for Spirit Family Reunion go to Nov 14 Maxwell's Hoboken, NJ Nov 15 IOTA

Concert Review: Pearl and The Beard @DC's 9:30 Club opening for Ani DiFranco November 10th, 2012

Thanks to the fine folks at David Wax Museum, a year ago I found the most wonderful trio, Pearl And The Beard last November.   It was a great start to my fan-hood of these Brooklynites.  I saw them open for David Wax at the end of November , during an incredible show.  I loved them, the wife loved them, and most importantly Molly loved them.  Not to mention videos galore on the internets of these fantastically and artistically talented musicians.  Jeremy Styles : photo by Jeff Coon Although I had my new Killing the Darlings vinyl and the most awesome Daytrotter session to listen to, my desire was to see them live again.  This quest to see them again was frustratingly fruitless for the next year.  I missed them in Wilmington, DE due to lovely back spasms (mine, not theirs).  I had a conflict with a Brown Bird/Devil Makes Three show.  There was another show in NJ that was cancelled.  Then, I missed a free show in Harrisburg, Pa while I attended a closer Pokey LaFarge show at the

concert review IAMDYNAMITE July 7th Philadelphia PA - 104.5 Summer Block Party Series at The Piazza!

Earlier, this spring, I was turned onto SUPERMEGAFANTASTIC and I loved it the first time I heard it.   The interwebs say the sounds is "Exploding with thunderous beats and crunching power chords, IAMDYNAMITE establish themselves as a two-piece rock and roll force to be reckoned with on their debut LP SUPERMEGAFANTASTIC .  Armed with a single guitar, a basic drum kit and locked-in harmonies, the energy from the duo burns through speakers and electrifies off the stage whenever IAMDYNAMITE unleashes their unprecedented brand of noise." I gave my two cents back in March, when I gave the FREE MUSIC ALERT out to the Root Down In The Shadow readers .  I loved the album then, and it still is finding a happy home in my steady rotation, despite new songs coming in every week.   I just missed their Philly date in early June by one day as I was coming back from a vacation, but when I saw the notice of the the Radio 104.5 Summer Block Party Series at The Piazza with

XPoNential Festival 2012 Dawes, JC Brooks, Lumineers and more July 20th, 2012

All things considered, XPoNential Festival 2012 Day 1 was incredible.  Last year , the festival was just not doable due to the insufferable heat.  I only made it to one band each day, seeing the fantastic Ted Leo & the Pharmacists and Hayes Carll !  This year there were major concerns again due to heat earlier in the month, then a terrible weather forecast calling for rain & thunderstorms!   No such issues actually became realized as there were incredible bands galore, cool temps, and the only precipitation never touched the ground due to the tremendous crowds! City Rain started it off on the Marina Stage.  The Philly band did a great job getting the crowds amped up.  "Watch Out' from the Watch Out EP was great live, as was the rest of the material, which to be honest was not what I expected!  Kudos City Rain ! David Dye did the introductions for the next band, thrilled that the current #1 independent band was gracing the stage, proud that XPN was i