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Showing posts with the label concert review

Bandade Presents: the dove & the wolf and Dirty Dollhouse

Bandade Music is very aware of the power of music in our lives. Formed in Nashville in 2015 and now located in Philadelphia, Bandade works to build community, raise awareness, and fight cancer through music. So far, they’ve had support from Alabama Shakes , Jason Isbell , Florence Welch , Sam Beam of Iron and Wine , and more; and since their move to Philadelphia, local artists are playing a major role in the Bandade community, helping to raise funds to fight cancer, and transforming an ordinary Wednesday night into an opportunity to be part of a larger purpose. Last month, Philly artists the dove & the wolf and Dirty Dollhouse highlighted the most recent Bandade benefit, and Root Down in the Shadow was there. Learn more about Bandade and see their calendar of upcoming shows at . the dove & the wolf the dove and the wolf - photo by Dan McGurk Upon first listen, Paris turned Philly expats the dove & the wolf stir something gloriously familiar

A Tall Drink of Holly Miranda

Holly Miranda at Boot & Saddle - Photo by Lindsey Borgman Every national tour has its share of disasters, whether it's tour van break down, or equipment theft.  The tour featuring Holly Miranda with Ambrosia Parsley + Chris Maxwell seemed to get it all out of the way, before Miranda ever made the stage at Philadelphia's Boot & Saddle .  Looking past Ambrosia Parsley's wardrobe malfunction (went missing off a MegaBus) and the paltry crowd (I'm looking at you Philly music fans), Holly Miranda and band had everything rocking in the right direction. Ambrosia Parsley + Chris Maxwell To start the night the Chris Maxwell warmed up the crowd, only to be joined by partner Ambrosia Parsley (formerly of Shivaree & Kill Bill 2 Soundtrack fame) for her first show in quite a while.  With her soft and affected voice and his skillful guitar playing, they warmed up the crowd despite some terribly sad songs. “This is the most honest thing I’ve ever m

2015 Philadelphia Folk Fest - a first look and review

Shakey Graves Levee Drivers and Ladybird As a first-time "fest" attendee I wasn't sure what to expect. I've been to many fests, but never before a folk fest, and never before one in such a sprawling, open, natural environment. I'd heard of the Philadelphia Folk Fest (or just fest, as everyone calls it) of course but didn't know what kind of crowd it would draw, what the general feel would be, or how I would fit in as a young(ish) photographer with more of an indie music bent. As it came to be, the answers were, in order: the nicest fest crown I've yet experienced. I had anticipated an older crowd and while they were there in droves, there were also a ton of younger adults, kids and everything in between. There was no pushing, or crowding, or obnoxious drunk bros as far as the eye could see. The crowd was refreshing, and happy. Fest had this feel of absolute love of music, and of shared appreciation for it. I don't think I've even bee

From The Notebook - Arc Divers by Wayne Gallagher

As a editor of Root Down In The Shadow, I make all the decisions about deadlines and features and such.  I also get stuck sometime and fail to put a piece out.  Maybe it wasn't the right time, maybe a "dealine" is missed.  Whatever the case is sometimes things just don't happen.  But, the musicians didn't fail to play the show, the contributors don't fail to show up.  There's always a good time to post a review, even if it is eight months later.  So, I present another piece "FROM THE NOTEBOOK." Divers, now know as Arc Divers play tomorrow for what stands to be an amazing show with Israel Nash at the Malvern Summer Stage.  So, there's no better time than now to share Wayne's free flowing piece.  Arc Divers - Photo by Wayne Gallagher Presented in it's original form: Divers. Johnny Brenda's. Friday night in Fishtown Philadelphia. I arrive early, too early. The sun is still out, the street bounces with people on thei

Sofar Sounds: Philadelphia - Best of 2015.. so far

Sofar Sounds: Philadelphia, where has the year gone?  Already the June show has come and gone and already the July and August shows are being planned.  Too much time has passed without a recap; so with no further ado: Best of Sounds: Philadelphia 2015 ... so far... (plus Dec 2014). December 2014: Brian Dale Allen Strouse (of the Lawsuits) / Dominic Angelella (of DRGN King) /  The Naked Sun / The Kalob Griffin Band Photo by Julie McGurk Poster by Jennifer Prough Photo by Lindsey Borgman The December '14 Sofar Sounds: Philadelphia show was one of the best on record.  Ugly Sweaters, food donations for Philabundance, and an all local-lineup at this super cool Fishtown  former candy shop turned apartment.  For this holiday show, each band was asked to be prepared with a holiday song each. Just as each Sofar show is typically extra special with stripped down instrumentation and personnel, the holiday song choices for the event were also non-standard. 

Caroline Rose Says "Fuck Fear" at World Cafe Live

Man, what can you say about Caroline Rose ? She rocks. Really, Caroline Rose and band rock.  There's no banjo/mandolin/violin to be considered folk, too much pedal steel to be punk, somewhere in between rockabilly and old school country, the gritty Vermont rocker doesn't seem to care where she fits.  When describing the tip jar at the merch booth to the crowd, she said "if you don't like us, give us some money so we can go get real jobs."  But seeing as her bandmates were all wearing Caroline's new "FUCK FEAR" t-shirts, I doubt she cares whether if the crowd approves too much.  Fortunately, while opening for Pokey LaFarge on this tour, she's found a lot of new fans.  World Cafe Live - Philadelphia was the 2nd night of tour, criss-crossing the east coast for Pokey and his "nice fans." The band impressed with their singles, jumping right into twanger "Blood On Your Bootheels" and steel heavy "Tightrope Walker.

Haunt The House / Amanda Glasser / Anna Coogan - "Non-Local Night" at Bourban and Branch Recap

photos by Dan McGurk Haunt The House / Amanda Glasser / Anna Coogan  Last Tuesday, rising folk stars  Haunt The House came to town for their first Philly show. Tagging along to Bourbon and Branch were two more out-of-towners; Amanda Glasser and Anna Coogan . Haunt the House Anna Coogan Anna Coogan Anna Coogan, the veteran of the line-up, was up first at the always interesting Bourbon and Branch.  The gritty songstress was ready for her set no matter what, even if it meant disobeying doctors' orders after a recent broken bone. The best/most ironic part of her set was the ease with which she was able to switch back and forth between love songs and break-up songs.  She explained this may have to do with the break up songs, such as "Cricket Sea", being mostly about the man she eventually married.   However, there was that extra oomph of grit and passion on the love songs.  Before turning over the reins to the next artist, she left