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Sofar Sounds: Philadelphia - Best of 2015.. so far

Sofar Sounds: Philadelphia, where has the year gone?  Already the June show has come and gone and already the July and August shows are being planned.  Too much time has passed without a recap; so with no further ado: Best of Sounds: Philadelphia 2015 ... so far... (plus Dec 2014). December 2014: Brian Dale Allen Strouse (of the Lawsuits) / Dominic Angelella (of DRGN King) /  The Naked Sun / The Kalob Griffin Band Photo by Julie McGurk Poster by Jennifer Prough Photo by Lindsey Borgman The December '14 Sofar Sounds: Philadelphia show was one of the best on record.  Ugly Sweaters, food donations for Philabundance, and an all local-lineup at this super cool Fishtown  former candy shop turned apartment.  For this holiday show, each band was asked to be prepared with a holiday song each. Just as each Sofar show is typically extra special with stripped down instrumentation and personnel, the holiday song choices for the event were also non-standard.