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Showing posts with the label Seth Klinger

#PhillyPresents: Thom McCarthy by Ron Gallo of Toy Soldiers

#PhillyPresents: by Ron Gallo Your band name: Toy Soldiers   Style: Rock N’ Roll Years on the Scene: 5 years Current Members:  Dominic Billett - Drums, Vocals Bill McCloskey - Bass Matt Kelly - Guitar Luke Leidy - Keys Ron Gallo - Vocals, Guitar   Any new album projects?  Sessions in the works?  We just finished a full-length album entitled, The Maybe Boys with Philly record-making mastermind Bill Moriarty that’s looking to be out in September alongside a documentary called, The Maybe Trails, that our pal, Seth Klinger made about life on the road.  In the meantime we also did a live session at Converse Rubber Tracks Studio in Brooklyn which we’re releasing as an 7” on July 4th this year!   Introducing : Thom McCarthy Why he's an inspiration.. why you like listening to and watching him? I really think Thom is a genius in every sense of the word.  He’s extremely unique, humble and often a nervous wreck leading up to every performance but onc