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Showing posts with the label Sam Beam

Featured Artist - Iron & Wine

WHO ARE THEY? Oh so many times in the last five years, the conversation goes like this:   "Who've you been listening to?"  To Which, I reply " IRON & WINE".  Nearly always, the response is "Who are they????"  Iron & Wine initially represented SAM BEAM , a singer/songwriter out from the South, who now resides in Austin, TX.  Now, especially with the latest album, Kiss Each Other Clean , Iron & Wine represent a larger collection of musicians, more representative of the full sound that Iron & Wine albums are offering recently. the Postal Service with their original 'Such Great Heights' The bands exposure has been tough to track, as far as why should you know the Iron & Wine.  Sub Pop label mate the Postal Service , featured Iron & Wine on their ' Such Great Heights' single, in 2003.  At that time the band only had their debut and an E.P. to show.  In 2004 soon after the release of Our Endless Numbered Days ...