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Showing posts with the label Red Hot Chili Peppers

Desert Island Disc FAIL ---- Blood Sugar Sex Magik - by the Red Hot Chili Peppers

Typically I prepare for my posts throughout the day. I listen to music constantly while I drive around town. It's really one of my most favorite parts of my job, the other being the puzzle of addressing how a car got damaged and how far that damage traveled. Today, however, I couldn't help but feel underwhelmed when getting ready for this post. I love... emphatically love the Blood Sugar Sex Magik album, but I've come to realize it's just not a "Desert Island Disc". Anthony Kedis ' insane lyrics of feelings, drug trips, and other adventures are outstanding, but the disc itself is too much of a roller coaster to ever be on repeat (preferably with 4-5 other albums) for a desert island eternity.  I somewhat always knew this, but at the same time I always wanted more out of this pinnacle of Red Hot Chili Pepperdom. Even after reading Scar Tissue the Kedis autobiography, and understanding more of the lyrics, especially his ever constant binge and purge wit...

Memory Lane - No Rain

In preparation for this blog, I was trying to figure out who I went to Homecoming with my Junior & Senior years of High School, at good ol' Gateway Sr. High.  It's absolutely amazing to me, that I can't remember my dates, but I can remember vividly what music I was listening to at the time.  It could just mean I was a self centered a-hole, but since this is a music blog, we'll talk about that instead. On one of those occasions I partnered up with my great friend Bud.  Bud, had asked out the Lovely Laura, and I asked my good buddy Megan.  I ranged from friend, teammate, and sometime tormentor to Megan, but in this case she was my date to the dance.  Of course, Laura and Megan were also good friends, and were chatting it up in the back.   Bud and I realized we had realistically ZERO chance for anything else to happen that night (and my fuzzy memory tells me we were all going as friends anyway) so we did what we would do, without two beautiful young lad...