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Showing posts with the label Maxwell's on Main

Levee Drivers unleash their power at Maxwell's on Main

Levee Drivers are a band with a lost identity?  At least it seems that no one seems to know who they are?  Are they an acoustic duo?  Power Trio?  A White Stripes cover band?  What they are, is Philadelphia's best kept secret.  After sets like last Saturday night, when they performed at Craft Culture presented by Maxwell's On Main, they won't be a secret for much longer! Levee Drivers  Live At Maxwell's on Main - 'Poor Boy Shoes' & 'Whichita'    Gearing up for their upcoming EP release and eventual LP release, Levee Drivers were back to their power trio form with Jeff Orlowski on drums, Kyle Perella on bass, and August John Lutz II on harmonica, vocals and electric guitar joined on a few songs by songstress Chelsea Mitchell .  For two sets worth of songs, they impressed the crowd, turning out new songs, older songs unreleased & released alike, with some covers to shake it up. Clearly the band...