Part of the ongoing series of 'Molly Songs': a weekly look featuring songs that our children will love, but more importantly parents can enjoy as well. In most cases, Molly songs are child focused or rather upbeat. In this case, 'Charlotte's Web', is neither, rather a captivating song that Molly has loved for the last year and a half. The child like attraction to the opening track of Annie Lynch & the Beekeepers 2007's self titled album is two fold. First, for some amazing coincidence Molly refers to the song as "Piggy Song". Obviously someone had to have mentioned this connection to the children's book, but it wasn't my wife nor I. Second, Molly has been having quiet time or falling asleep to the Annie Lynch albums since I've picked them up in April 2010. Except for one rousing track on 2009's Squid Hill Sessions led by Mat Davidson vocals instead of Annie Lynch, the albums are incredibly consistent and captivating. Yo...