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Showing posts with the label Bud

Memory Lane - No Rain

In preparation for this blog, I was trying to figure out who I went to Homecoming with my Junior & Senior years of High School, at good ol' Gateway Sr. High.  It's absolutely amazing to me, that I can't remember my dates, but I can remember vividly what music I was listening to at the time.  It could just mean I was a self centered a-hole, but since this is a music blog, we'll talk about that instead. On one of those occasions I partnered up with my great friend Bud.  Bud, had asked out the Lovely Laura, and I asked my good buddy Megan.  I ranged from friend, teammate, and sometime tormentor to Megan, but in this case she was my date to the dance.  Of course, Laura and Megan were also good friends, and were chatting it up in the back.   Bud and I realized we had realistically ZERO chance for anything else to happen that night (and my fuzzy memory tells me we were all going as friends anyway) so we did what we would do, without two beautiful young lad...