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Showing posts with the label Beans On Toast

Sofar Sounds Philadelphia - 4th Anniversary Countdown #18 & #17

Somehow Sofar Sounds : Philadelphia is hitting their 4th Anniversary. The now world-wide phenomenon was a few shy of twenty cities world-wide when Philadelphia joined the ranks. These days, the shows are all over the globe and it seems like there are just shy of twenty dates in NYC alone each month. It all started in London, back in 2009, and slowly spread during the next two years to New York, Paris, DC, Los Angeles, Pune India, Houston, Brighton, Seattle, New Dehli, Sydney, Madrid, Berlin, Toronto, Dallas-Forth Worth, and Glasgow before hitting the City of Brotherly Love.  During the next 10 days I'm going to look back at four years of Sofar Sounds: Philadelphia trying to give my version o8 f the best videos. Please comment and share what were your favorites. #18 Beans On Toast - "Fuck You Nashville" The great thing about Sofar Sounds is you don't know the bands before you arrive.  I still remember a friend telling me about this band Beans On Toas...

Sofar Sounds: Philadelphia - Best of 2015.. so far

Sofar Sounds: Philadelphia, where has the year gone?  Already the June show has come and gone and already the July and August shows are being planned.  Too much time has passed without a recap; so with no further ado: Best of Sounds: Philadelphia 2015 ... so far... (plus Dec 2014). December 2014: Brian Dale Allen Strouse (of the Lawsuits) / Dominic Angelella (of DRGN King) /  The Naked Sun / The Kalob Griffin Band Photo by Julie McGurk Poster by Jennifer Prough Photo by Lindsey Borgman The December '14 Sofar Sounds: Philadelphia show was one of the best on record.  Ugly Sweaters, food donations for Philabundance, and an all local-lineup at this super cool Fishtown  former candy shop turned apartment.  For this holiday show, each band was asked to be prepared with a holiday song each. Just as each Sofar show is typically extra special with stripped down instrumentation and personnel, the holiday song choices for the event ...