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Showing posts with the label Balkan Beat Box

Song of the Week - 'War Again' by Balkan Beat Box

This week's Song of the Week was inspired by a browse through the City Paper - Philadelphia 's concert advertisements. I had just gone to the Electric Factory Thursday night, and was less than impressed by the upcoming shows. On the other hand, I had noticed via Facebook that the Decemberists were coming through Philly in June. The Decemberists are on my list of bands to see live, but not much has been working out for live music lately, so I was determined to find an upcoming show that would work out for my schedule. So, far it's quite a bummer,  the Decemberists only have obstructed view seats left. Also, I missed out on tickets for Ted Leo @ Kung Fu Necktie , Death Cab for Cutie @ the Trocader o and Eddie Vedder at Tower Theater.  Even worse I'll be out of town for Buke & Gass @ Johnny Brenda's . The next and best show that caught my eye is Balkan Beat Box playing with Uproot Andy & Joro Boro @ the Trocadero Theatre.  After seeing KT Tuns...