The best thing about living along the megalopolis of I-95 cities is the close proximity and ease of travel to each other! Here are the best upcoming shows that I have spotted for your viewing pleasure! If you go, please let me know how the shows were. I'll review as many as I make it to! FEBRUARY 13th PITTSBURGH Allen Stone @ Stage AE Young White guy with Soul... Are you sure? Check out his awesome single ' Sleep ' or ' Another Break Up Song' and decide for yourself! For more info check out this article by the Pittsburgh City Paper FEBRUARY 16th BALTIMORE Blind Pilot with Cotton Jones @Ram's Head Live. Although it is going to require me to take a day off, I'm going to head down to Baltimore. Two reasons: I saw them in November at Union Transfer and it was awesome, so I must go again. The second reason is a boneheaded one. I picked up their fantastic poster by drummer Ryan Dobrowski , and the band was hanging out afterwar...