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Showing posts from September, 2015

A Tall Drink of Holly Miranda

Holly Miranda at Boot & Saddle - Photo by Lindsey Borgman Every national tour has its share of disasters, whether it's tour van break down, or equipment theft.  The tour featuring Holly Miranda with Ambrosia Parsley + Chris Maxwell seemed to get it all out of the way, before Miranda ever made the stage at Philadelphia's Boot & Saddle .  Looking past Ambrosia Parsley's wardrobe malfunction (went missing off a MegaBus) and the paltry crowd (I'm looking at you Philly music fans), Holly Miranda and band had everything rocking in the right direction. Ambrosia Parsley + Chris Maxwell To start the night the Chris Maxwell warmed up the crowd, only to be joined by partner Ambrosia Parsley (formerly of Shivaree & Kill Bill 2 Soundtrack fame) for her first show in quite a while.  With her soft and affected voice and his skillful guitar playing, they warmed up the crowd despite some terribly sad songs. “This is the most honest thing I’ve ever m

2015 Philadelphia Folk Fest - a first look and review

Shakey Graves Levee Drivers and Ladybird As a first-time "fest" attendee I wasn't sure what to expect. I've been to many fests, but never before a folk fest, and never before one in such a sprawling, open, natural environment. I'd heard of the Philadelphia Folk Fest (or just fest, as everyone calls it) of course but didn't know what kind of crowd it would draw, what the general feel would be, or how I would fit in as a young(ish) photographer with more of an indie music bent. As it came to be, the answers were, in order: the nicest fest crown I've yet experienced. I had anticipated an older crowd and while they were there in droves, there were also a ton of younger adults, kids and everything in between. There was no pushing, or crowding, or obnoxious drunk bros as far as the eye could see. The crowd was refreshing, and happy. Fest had this feel of absolute love of music, and of shared appreciation for it. I don't think I've even bee

Mason Porter Making Magic for Cover Club and In The Mountains

There's always something exciting going on for the bands of Cover Club . This week's entry, Mason Porter , will finish the week with their own curated fest : The Midnight Mountain Music Show featuring friends galore such as Wallace Brothers , Ladybird , Kalob Griffin Band, and Hinton, Bower, Jones . Meanwhile they start the week celebrating other friends, American Babies , by choosing them as their Cover Club selection! This has to be the best value in town with$60 for two nights camping and show ticket. How's the response so far? "The response has been unbelievable. So much enthusiasm. So many people want to be a part of this and help out and see it succeed. We have an amazing community of fans and friends and family and this festival is really bringing everyone together in a really special and exciting way." For Midnight Mountain Music Festival tickets head to Joe D'Amico of Mason Porter explains the choice of Ameri

August John Lutz II takes five to talk "O' My Foolish Heart'

It's a big weekend for August John Lutz II.   Saturday marks the release of 'O Foolish Heart his debut solo release.  Before grabbing your tickets for the show at Bourbon and Branch, check out the insight August gives us to five questions we had about his new material. 1. Q:​ It’s been 7 years since the first Levee Drivers EP and fans have been clamoring for a full-length album - only to be teased with a few songs here and there. Now, just a month or so before the full-length is ​officially​ recorded, you’re releasing a 5-track solo effort. Why now? A: ​It basically came down to timing and finding the right songs to complement each other. Everything fell comfortably into place with this project. I’m also in the middle of recording a follow-up to ​O’ My Foolish Heart​, and on top of that the Levee Drivers full- length should be out sometime next year. People definitely won’t have to wait long between releases! August John Lutz II - Photo By Bob Swee

"Rich Girl" Like Never Before : Arc Iris Joins the Cover Club ranks at Cambridge Sound Studios

Arc Iris may be from Providence RI, but, for me, their front-woman, Jocie Adams , has always been a part of my Philadelphia listening experience. At one of my first shows in Philadelphia six years ago, she was a shy multi-instrumentalist with The Low Anthem. Over the next two years I would catch The Low Anthem every time they came through town It was Jocie’s evolution that really had me hooked. It wasn’t just what new instrument she would play next, as she moved between crotales, hammered dulcimer, clarinet and so many more instruments, but as a vocalist you could see her emerge. This emergence was most stark with the cover of Jack Kerouac “On The Road”/ Tom Waits “Home I’ll Never Be.” Through the years, the vocal duties on the song moved over to Jocie taking the reins. It was so uplifting and exciting, to see this tiny sun-dress-folkster of a free spirit wailing away, channeling some Janice and bringing the whole crowd to their feet. As Jocie’s career has progress

A Video Preview for THE LID by Pat Finnerty & Bob Sweeney

Dudes, the Lid is this weekend!  Get on it. The Lid creator Pat Finnerty sat down for Philly video director extraordinaire Bob Sweeney to preview the fest.. Here's the sweet scoop:  Pat Finnerty "The Lid" (Preview) from Bob Sweeney on Vimeo . PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE Friday September 4 at 9:00pm with special after party featuring Black Landlord Saturday September 5 at 11:00pm Sunday September 6 at 8:00pm CREDITS Written by/Lead Artist: Pat Finnerty Script Devising Team: Pat Finnerty, Jess Conda , Ali Wadsworth and Bob Babjak . CAST Moustache Man: Brian Ashby The Lid: Brian Langan The backup singers: Jess Conda and Ali Wadsworth Frizzy Boo: Gretchen Lohse Band: Justin Pellechia and Keaton Thandi ( Satellite Hearts ) Thomas Hughes ( Spinto Band , Carol Cleveland Sings ) Mike Quinn ( Purples , Needlepoints , Mike Quinn and the Moneynotes , Okay Paddy , many other bands) TICKET INFORMATION $20 Tickets available at: FringeAr