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Sofar Sounds Philadelphia 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Recap

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Sofar Sounds: Philadelphia celebrated a fabulous 3 years this November!  With an as-always diverse
line-up the super-secret house concert showcase continued to delight fans.  From burgeoning talent, to genre hopping to the unexpected, the November show was a night to remember!

First up was Matt Phillips, a young pup hailing from North Carolina.  While he looks young enough to have ridden his BMX to the show, he's got the chops of an old-timer.  Nary opening his eyes during the whole set, his happiness was infectious as he played solo with his acoustic guitar.  "Move" was a vibrant number with his fingers all over the neck as he sang along.   His "Mediterranean Blues" had a simplistic vocal style reminiscent of James Taylor, while he played with a soulful innocence and his heart on his sleeve.

Matt Phillips

November 2014 - Sofar Sounds: Philadelphia
Coffee                               unreleased original
Move                                 unreleased original
Mediterranean Blues         unreleased original
Bluegrass                          Bones
If You Want Me to Stay   (Sly and the Family Stone Cover)

Furious George

Furious George had his turn next.  With barely talking to the audience, he went right into his set.  The Spoken Word luminary was intense.  There was no moment to look away, every word connected to the next.  His choreography down to his perfectly timed breathing was just as important.  And just like that, the 4 piece set was done. 

November 2014 - Sofar Sounds: Philadelphia
Crazy Like Me
The Man Who Made Me
Computer Love
All Four of My Grands

Jennifer Pague of Vita and the Woolf
Keeping with the theme of youthful and talented, Jennifer Pague of Vita and the Woolf gave a spirited solo performance.  She started off in her normal position behind her synth, but was happy to take some turns behind her acoustic guitar.  She took us through a stroll of the Vita and the Woolf catalog, playing "Mary" from their debut Fang Song and a few unreleased tracks.  The crowd was happy to sing along with the Yeah Yeah Yeah's cover of "Maps", but none of the crowd compared to the vocal range Jennifer showed off during the set.

VITA & THE WOOLF - Setlist
November 2014 - Sofar Sounds: Philadelphia
Qiet                  The Key Studio Sessions 09.10.14
Bury You          The Key Studio Sessions 09.10.14
Maps                (Yeah Yeah Yeah's Cover)
Mary                            Fang Song
Heaven              unreleased original

Vita and the Woolf - Maps from Bob Sweeney on Vimeo.

Jesse representing Locksley

Jesse Laz one fourth of the Madison, Wisconsin band Locksley joined Sofar Sounds: Philadelphia for the anniversary showcase.  Representing the experienced side of the line-up, Jesse took the opportunity to do several things that ironically he'd never done before.  Why not, it was his first solo show after a decade or so of playing with Locksley.  His decision to move to the middle of the room and ask the seated crowd to stand up was par for the course.  The performance was delightful and downright moving when he sang "Lullaby 2" to his young daughter in attendance. 

JESSE representing LOCKSLEY - Setlist
November 2014 - Sofar Sounds: Philadelphia

Take Me To The Fair
Dedication As Lovers
Whisper of the Season
Lullaby 2

Jesse representing Locksley

Commonwealth Choir
To end the night of the Sofar Sounds: Philadelphia anniversary showcase, fan favorites Commonwealth Choir were also ready to defy expectations.  The "Golden Age Indie Rock" band played all new songs, and played musical chairs with the instruments. This fan was ready to watch William Chamuris lay down some spirited tambourine, but alas - no tambo.  Will started off on accordion, and Nick Cislak was on drums for "Moon".  The surprises kept coming with Will moving over to melodica for "Simple Song".   Davis Howley slapped on the bass, while Maurizio Mazza and Chamuris had the acoustic guitars on "Do".  The enthusiastic Philadelphia fellas, by way of Doylestown, rocked the night gaining that elusive Sofar Sounds encore with new song "Gunman".  

November 2014 - Sofar Sounds: Philadelphia
Moon                        unreleased original
More                         unreleased original
Simple Song             unreleased original
Do                            unreleased original
Gunman                   unreleased original

Commonwealth Choir


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