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Dominic Angelella of DRGN KING covers The Dead Milkmen 'Punk Rock Girl' for #CoverClub a special brand of Philly covers

Welcome back to #CoverClub.  This week's video continues our 2nd session at Nomad Recording Studios.  We kicked things off two weeks ago, with Sean Hoots covering Boyz II Men 'It's So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday' and soon we have two more sessions to unveil while we alternate with videos from our 2nd session at Breakneck Studios.

This week we unveil a session featuring Dominic Angelella of DRGN KING.  When the idea of #PhillyPresents and #CoverClub were being kicked around, Dominic was one of the first artists approached.  "What would you think about talking about other Philly bands you dig, for Root Down In The Shadow?"  Once Dominic lit up, totally stoked about the idea of sharing his enjoyment of his co-conspirators, it was a forgone conclusion that #PhillyPresents would happen.  Now that Philly Presents has branched out to include Cover Club, it had to involve DRGN KING.  The band formed by Dominic and Ritz Reynolds would certainly be in the mix.

When it became apparent that the full band could not get together for the session, Dominic insisted he had a secret special choice for a solo session in the series.  There's nothing better than a rocker with his heart on one sleeve and excitement on the other.  Dominic Angelella is exactly the dude you want excited to be taking part in your project!  When he did unveil his surprise choice as The Dead Milkmen, it was hard to keep the anticipation of the Cover Club crew contained.

Dominic's choice of "Punk Rock Girl", a single from the Dead Milkmen1988 album Beelzebubba, was by far the most popular of their songs.  Recorded in one take at Nomad Recording Studio, the song was a perfect choice.  Flush with voice cracks and electric guitar it was just as raw, gritty, and punk as the original over 25 years ago.

Cover Club | Dominic Angelella of Drgn King
"Punk Rock Girl"  (The Dead Milkmen)

In case you missed it, The Dead Milkmen are back in action.


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