Brian Strouse and Vanessa Winters cover Ween / She's Your Baby / #CoverClub a special brand of Philly covers /
Earlier this year here at the indie Philly blog, Root Down In The Shadow, we started the fun series #Philly Presents,
...bands writing about other bands. The most common reaction from
bands to this project: "Wait? Are we covering other bands?" And so
#CoverClub was born!
This week, the featured #CoverClub artists are Brian Strouse and Vanessa Winters of The Lawsuits. On a very chill afternoon in October, Brian and Vanessa came in to Breakneck Studio for their session. Coincidentially they came in right as Chelsea Mitchell was recording her version of the Lawsuits' 'Fine Quality'.
The band Brian Strouse chose cover was Ween. Ween? Ween is just one of those bands. You'll never hear them on the radio. You didn't see them on MTV or VH1, but maybe once in their lengthy career. Someone had to introduce you to Ween. For Brian Strouse it was his older brother. My experience was through an older brother too, not mine, but my friend's. I was turned onto Ween during the God Ween Satan and Pure Guava era. Later I used Chocolate & Cheese and 12 Golden Country Greats to share the Ween experience with others, but faded away from Ween before many of the later albums. Brian Strouse when he was "about 5", had the older bro Ween experience, according to Brian, "when he played me 'Birthday Boy' and 'Push the Little Daisies'!"
When talking over this series in the proceeding months, I knew Strouse hails from the home turf of Ween (New Hope, PA), so I mentioned how cool it would be if we could involve Ween somehow! I didn't realize we had entirely different Ween experiences. When he and Vanessa Winters started playing 'She's Your Baby' I knew immediately it was a Ween song based on the lyrics and style, but I had honestly not heard it in 10 years if at all! Oh the irony of one of my favorite current bands playing one of my all time favorites and I didn't even know the song! But it just goes to show, Ween is one of those bands you experience thogether with someone!
So join Brian Strouse, Vanessa Winters and Root Down In The Shadow with a rendition of Ween 'She's Your Baby'
Cover Club | The Lawsuits "She's Your Baby" (Ween)
A look back...
This week, the featured #CoverClub artists are Brian Strouse and Vanessa Winters of The Lawsuits. On a very chill afternoon in October, Brian and Vanessa came in to Breakneck Studio for their session. Coincidentially they came in right as Chelsea Mitchell was recording her version of the Lawsuits' 'Fine Quality'.
The band Brian Strouse chose cover was Ween. Ween? Ween is just one of those bands. You'll never hear them on the radio. You didn't see them on MTV or VH1, but maybe once in their lengthy career. Someone had to introduce you to Ween. For Brian Strouse it was his older brother. My experience was through an older brother too, not mine, but my friend's. I was turned onto Ween during the God Ween Satan and Pure Guava era. Later I used Chocolate & Cheese and 12 Golden Country Greats to share the Ween experience with others, but faded away from Ween before many of the later albums. Brian Strouse when he was "about 5", had the older bro Ween experience, according to Brian, "when he played me 'Birthday Boy' and 'Push the Little Daisies'!"
When talking over this series in the proceeding months, I knew Strouse hails from the home turf of Ween (New Hope, PA), so I mentioned how cool it would be if we could involve Ween somehow! I didn't realize we had entirely different Ween experiences. When he and Vanessa Winters started playing 'She's Your Baby' I knew immediately it was a Ween song based on the lyrics and style, but I had honestly not heard it in 10 years if at all! Oh the irony of one of my favorite current bands playing one of my all time favorites and I didn't even know the song! But it just goes to show, Ween is one of those bands you experience thogether with someone!
So join Brian Strouse, Vanessa Winters and Root Down In The Shadow with a rendition of Ween 'She's Your Baby'
Cover Club | The Lawsuits "She's Your Baby" (Ween)
A look back...

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