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Brown Bird ticket giveaway contest - Pittsburgh show @ Club Cafe April 11th

Hey friends and fellow fans of Brown Bird, if you've been following the blog here @ Root Down In The Shadow for any length of time, you may come to realize that we're big fans of Providence, RI duo Brown Bird.

The newest Brown Bird album, Fits of Reason(see the review here), is inspired by the writings of Omar Khayyam, Christopher Hitchens, and Plato, among others, and grapples with the human condition in a smooth but unapologetic departure from the band’s previous release"

While still featuring the same drum heavy, two part music; Fits of Reason is more complex.  David Lamb left behind the banjo on the album, "writing above my ability and doing my best to play up to the new songs" with the electric guitar.  MorganEve also expanded her skills, incorporating the new weapon in her arsenal, the electric bass.   Long intros and interludes are featured on the instrumental heavy (two complete instrumentals and two majority instrumental tracks) album, while 60's intros and Middle Eastern influences make their appearances.

While David may question the sanity of writing above his then ability, you can't argue with the results.  The captivating album is a great addition to the Brown Bird collection.  Fits of Reason via Supply & Demand music, is out on 4/2/13 and tour starts 4/3/13 

In honor of one of my favorite bands, playing my favorite venue in my hometown.  Root Down In The Shadow is sponsoring a ticket giveaway contest.  Now, I know some of my Pittsburgh readers are already going to this Club Cafe show on April 11th, but there can always be more!

Here's the deal.  On Facebook, (depending on your privacy restrictions), you can either type this phrase on your page or the Root Down in the Shadow page;

"Hey Root Down In The Shadow my favorite Brown Bird song is _____________ and I can't wait to see them live at Club Cafe"

Remember if I can't see the entry on my Root Down page, you aren't officially entered in the contest. 

Enter on your page, enter on the Root Down page, enter on your friends pages.  Maybe they'll enter and take you with them!

Winner gets guest listed +1

April 11     Pittsburgh, PA          Club Cafe


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