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Sofar Sounds: Philadelphia - Levee Drivers, Adam Taylor, Literature, and Sean Hoots, March 15th, 2013

Here's a post for the Sofar Sounds: Philadelphia 3-15-2013          Here's the January review

For those of you that don't know what Sofar Sounds is here's their story:
"We have created a movement which brings music lovers together in secret living room locations to hear some of the world's most cutting edge artists. In order to create an intimate and spellbinding atmosphere, we ask that nobody talk during performances.
We hold these pop-up gigs in over 30 cities across 5 continents"

To listen to the show while reading the review, try the stream
** although it was mic'd in the back of the room, and the crowd was particularly enthusiastic, so it gets a little rough**

It was an exciting March night in the Fishtown section of Philadelphia.  There was much to rejoice in: it was only a few days into the re-arranged sunlight of Daylight Savings, the temperature was warmer sweatshirt kind of a night, and the second Sofar Sounds: Philadelphia show of the year was getting ready to start!  This was my second show with Sofar Sounds and I think I was like-minded with many of the people in the room, that I was hoping for and expecting something magical.   The room was filled with music enthusiasts, repeat attendees, other bands; all sorts of folks intrigued by the movement.

There wasn't a bouncer to card, or a long line to get in.  No long uncomfortable waits standing on a heavy concrete floor at a club.  No guy trying to deal you drugs in the bathroom.

The event was at a friend's house.  If Davis, the host, wasn't your friend prior to the evening, it was likely he was by the end of the night.  The wait was only made uncomfortable if you had an aversion to where you might have parked your car.  But hey, there was a couch to sit on, and chances are you already knew someone in the room. 

For the bands in the room, it wasn't just another show to push the songs.  The years of experience they brought to the table elicited quite a level of comfort that permeated quickly to the fans.  The fans responded in kind, giving a warm welcome to the musicians!

Levee Drivers - Bucks County, PA

First up for the evening were the Levee Drivers.  Some call them "local rockers"; others call them "country sleaze."  Whatever you call them, the Levee Drivers were thrilled to come to a Sofar Sounds: Philadelphia show, as  they were in the midst of a "stripped down' stretch of their schedule.  You could say they are hitting their stride as they just were awarded the TriState Indie INDIE FOLK/AMERICANA BAND OF THE YEAR in February, but it's more of sitting in the sling of a catapult ready to launch!  They're armed with songs galore ready to make one or two recordings this early 2013.

August Lutz can capture the room with his vocal range going from a howl to a whisper.  Meanwhile his harmonica playing and rollicking guitar were balanced out with Kyle Perella's lap steel.  Kyle gave apologies for "cheating" being plugged in on the lap steel, but no one was taking offense, when he plucked out a solo on 'Waking Up In Memphis.'  It was a great set highlight, capped by Chelsea's signature set ending pluck on August's guitar!

Kyle Perella-Lap Steel, August John Lutz II - Guitar, Chelsea Mitchell - "signature pluck" and vocals

Photo by Chelsea Mitchell
Levee Drivers
August John Lutz II - Vocals, Guitar, & Harmonica
Kyle Perella - Lap Steel, Mandolin
Chelsea Mitchell - Backing Vocals, Mandolin

Sofar Sounds: Philadelphia playlist 3-15-2013
1. Bourbon Coated  *Unreleased original tracks*
2. Off Them Tracks                        ** new **
3. Late Night Bar Room Two Step ** new **
4. Home & A Box Full of Wine     ** new **
5. Waking Up in Memphis   
                                        *Unreleased original tracks*

Levee Drivers - Off Them Tracks | Sofar Philadelphia (#311)

Adam Taylor featuring Kate Young - Lancaster, PA

Next up, was a pair from Lancaster, Pa.  "I write the songs and she makes them sound good" was the synopsis presented to the crowd by Adam Taylor.  It was that type of simplicity that Adam was offering that night.  He told me later, "I spent years pushing songs from "the latest record" and I'm pretty done with that. I'd rather play songs I'm going to enjoy singing."

Combining his freedom from the marketing bondage with the lack of preconceived notions the crowd will have at a Sofar Sounds show (the bands as tbd. until the show starts), there was a great amount of enthusiasm from Adam and Kate.  This clearly came through, as well as some unbridled vulnerability; a perfect example of why these Sofar Sounds are a premier experience.

Adam let the fans in on a secret before the second song.  'Lucy', he admitted, is not some artsy girl as most assume.  Lucy is his childhood puppy that passed about two weeks prior to the show.  It was the first time the song was sung since Lucy's passing the moment bringing such keen clarity to the song in memorial.

He confided later, "[t]he audience seemed so enthusiastic and supportive that I felt comfortable and safe about getting personal and trying new things. I think it's mutually beneficial for the crowd and the artist to encourage a safe environment that is conducive to vulnerability."

With the crowd ready to continue the emotional roller coaster, the next song was with lyrics and vocals by a Katie Young.  Unexpectedly, 'Chain' was a powerhouse of a song.  It was a total surprise as she nearly knocked the socks off the crowd with her fiery vocals.  After her first verse  & chorus, she paused with a momentary "oh damn" in recognition of the perfection she just unleashed before handing over the vocal reigns back to Adam Taylor.  Clearly that went better than expected!

The obligatory fun cover was 'No Diggity' with a 'Come Together' chorus and sing-a-long at the end.  The band was ready to call it a set after the playful 'Whiskey', but overwhelming response to the duo, brought them back for the soulful 'Cat's Cradle' after getting a replacement guitar! 

 Adam Taylor & Kate - Chain | Sofar Philadelphia (#311)

Adam Taylor Sofar Sounds: Philadelphia playlist 3-15-2013
Adam Taylor- Vocals & Guitar
Kate Young - Vocals
1. Come Back  unreleased original
2. Lucy    No Poet
3. Chain          new collaboration
4. No Diggity -         Blackstreet cover
5. Whiskey  unreleased original

6. Cat's Cradle unreleased original

Literature - Philadelphia by way of Austin, TX
New to the Philadelphia area, Literature made their Sofar Sounds: Philadelphia debut!  Typically a four piece, they came to play as a stripped down two piece of Kevin Adickes & Nathaniel Cardaci, bringing a taste of their indie power pop style!  Their set included two tunes available on their page and two fabulous covers! 

Kevin & Nathaniel did a great job entertaining the crowd. They were really great showmen, in the vein of Flight of the Concords.  At first you might think that's a knock, but seriously listen to 'Business Time' as just a song and tell me it's not fantastic.  Quirky lyrics by Literature', such as "Tye Dye your life, Think of words that rhyme with strife" complimented their enthusiastic playing!

Whether they intended to be so comical is hard to tell, but kept going with their covers. The crowd pleasing and whimsical 'Ted, Woody, and Junior' seemed to be the highlight of the set.  However, the dreamy 'It Aint't Over Til It's Over' complete with a backing orchestral track, was the clear favorite!

I really didn't know what to expect, even as they played trying to "figure them out", but I'm really looking forward to seeing them again soon.  Are they always comical?  Do they always play such intriguing covers?  Is the banter as fun with a four piece?  Worst case, they bring forth some intense power pop!  

LITERATURE Sofar Sounds: Philadelphia playlist 3-15-2013
1. Tie Dye                                             Tie Dye 7"       
2. Criminal Kids                                 Arab Spring
3. Ted, Woody, and Junior          Robyn Hitchcock Element of Light
4. It Ain't Over Til it's Over          Lenny Kravitz - Mama Said

** **

Sean Hoots of Hoots & Hellmouth 
- Philadelphia, PA

If you did have any expectations going into the night, it was the rumor that Sean Hoots of Hoots & Hellmouth was going to be playing.  The name Hoots & Hellmouth elicits a rowdy imagery, while reviews would indicate some stomping and hollering.  But seconds into the set, the elder statesmen of the lineup, Sean Hoots commanded attention and awe with his obvious skills and vocal stylings.

You could just tell something magical was happening.  After a funky 'Watch your Mouth', he sucked the crowd in with a few evocative new ones.  He admitted to "singing slow songs to the captive audience."  Clearly no one seemed to mind and the crowd was rewarded with one more, the favorite 'Off To Sea'.  In place of the standard off-mic section, Sean Hoots gave a full-on vocal only rendition

To cap the event, by suggestion Sean Hoots also played a cover.  "The Spirit of Prince" attempted to sabotage the rendition by dropping a guitar at Sean's feet, but undaunted he continued with a perfect rendition of 'Kiss'!

Sean Hoots - Watch Your Mouth | Sofar Philadelphia (#311)

Sean Hoots Sofar Sounds: Philadelphia playlist 3-15-2013
1. Watch Your Mouth    The Holy Open Secret
2. Keep Me In It               ** new**
3. Golden Compass Rose  **new**

4. Off To Sea                 Repeat Myself/Off to Sea
5. Kiss                                   Prince

Be sure to LIKE the Sofar Sounds Philadelphia & Root Down In the Shadow pages, to be kept informed on the next shows!  

As mentioned in the Sofar Sounds Philadelphia newsletter...

Upcoming Shows: March 23rd (World Cafe Live), April 3rd (Milkboy Philly)


Upcoming Show: March 27th (Fergie's Pub), April 15th (Johnny Brenda's)

Upcoming Show: April 4th (AUX Performance Space)
or Sofarsounds Blog 


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