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Showing posts from July, 2012

concert review IAMDYNAMITE July 7th Philadelphia PA - 104.5 Summer Block Party Series at The Piazza!

Earlier, this spring, I was turned onto SUPERMEGAFANTASTIC and I loved it the first time I heard it.   The interwebs say the sounds is "Exploding with thunderous beats and crunching power chords, IAMDYNAMITE establish themselves as a two-piece rock and roll force to be reckoned with on their debut LP SUPERMEGAFANTASTIC .  Armed with a single guitar, a basic drum kit and locked-in harmonies, the energy from the duo burns through speakers and electrifies off the stage whenever IAMDYNAMITE unleashes their unprecedented brand of noise." I gave my two cents back in March, when I gave the FREE MUSIC ALERT out to the Root Down In The Shadow readers .  I loved the album then, and it still is finding a happy home in my steady rotation, despite new songs coming in every week.   I just missed their Philly date in early June by one day as I was coming back from a vacation, but when I saw the notice of the the Radio 104.5 Summer Block Party Series at The Piazza with

XPoNential Festival 2012 Dawes, JC Brooks, Lumineers and more July 20th, 2012

All things considered, XPoNential Festival 2012 Day 1 was incredible.  Last year , the festival was just not doable due to the insufferable heat.  I only made it to one band each day, seeing the fantastic Ted Leo & the Pharmacists and Hayes Carll !  This year there were major concerns again due to heat earlier in the month, then a terrible weather forecast calling for rain & thunderstorms!   No such issues actually became realized as there were incredible bands galore, cool temps, and the only precipitation never touched the ground due to the tremendous crowds! City Rain started it off on the Marina Stage.  The Philly band did a great job getting the crowds amped up.  "Watch Out' from the Watch Out EP was great live, as was the rest of the material, which to be honest was not what I expected!  Kudos City Rain ! David Dye did the introductions for the next band, thrilled that the current #1 independent band was gracing the stage, proud that XPN was i