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Molly Song of the Week - Laura Veirs - Tumble Bee

Part of the ongoing series of 'Molly Songs': a weekly look featuring songs that our children will love, but more importantly parents can enjoy as well.

I've had a chance to talk to a lot of parents about this and I'm not the only parent to have this dilemma.  It's either subject yourself to the crap that's called kids' music or torture your child with your stuff, right?  Not so, has been my position.  Seems it's shared by indie artist and first-time mom Laura Veirs.  She and her husband, music producer Tucker Martine, took matters into their own hands and made an incredible folk-children's album.

The thought was, per Tucker Martine, @5;18 in the video below, "Kids love the Beetles! You know, they just like if you put good music in front of them.  So, we definitely kept that in mind that we just need to make something that we enjoy ...  maybe speaking to our child-like nature."

Inspired by the birth of her son and by countless fans who’ve told Laura over the years how much their kids love her records, Veirs became curious about the history of American children’s music. She and Martine listened to hundreds of songs from the past several centuries, including Harry Smith’s famous Anthology of American Folk Music. They selected what Veirs calls, “a sampling that reflects our richness as a people.” Tumble Bee was recorded at home in the spring of 2011.  (see Laura for more bio)

On Tumble Bee, Laura did some recruiting, gatherin collaborator Colin Meloy of the Decemberists, Luke Ydstie, Kati Claborn, and Israel Nebeker of Blind Pilot, Elizabeth Mitchell, and Béla Fleck, amongst others. 

Tucker Martine speaking to his wife Laura Veirs in the video mentioned above and embedded below, says "I'd like to think that those fans of your music that don't have children will also enjoy it!"

Truth be told, I barely had known Laura Veirs beyond 'July Flame' and 'Carol Kaye, but when I heard about her album I thought she'd be perfect.  Tucker was right and then some.  There are many kids' albums out there, that reach new heights of silliness and many that are child like, but not many hit the mark as a great album overall.  Elizabeth Mitchell, Jack Johnson, and Medeski Martin & Wood have all succeeded where many have failed.  Laura Veirs & Co. have joined those ranks with Tumble Bee!

Laura Veirs & Tucker Martine discuss the making of Tumble Bee

To hear full samples of Tumble Bee try these tracks ** FREE DOWNLOAD ALERT ***

Now that you've had a chance to sample some songs, head over to The Laura Veirs store!  The album, besides sounding great, is a great package.  It will make a great Mother's or Father's day present.  Not to mention a cool present for any lucky kid you might know!


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