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Cover Song of the Week - 'Between the Bars' by the Civil Wars, originally by Elliott Smith

One of my favorite series here @ Root Down in the Shadow by McGurkMusic is the Cover Song of the Week

I featured the Civil Wars last week with their tour favorite Billie Jean. I ordinarily would not repeat the same band the following week, but when putting my 3 year old to bed tonight with The Decemberists, she asked if the could listen to the Civil Wars when it was done?.

So really, Molly is requesting these guys, so don't be behind the 3 year old when being in the know of some great music!

Between the Bars covered by The Civil Wars

I'm a little partial to the version by Paste Magazine. The act actually playing on the Quad Stage bled into the audio recording, however I love watching Joy Williams float along with the recording.

The original was featured on the Good Will Hunting Original Soundtrack. The late Elliott Smith made some really beautiful music, so it is only fitting that a talented band such as the Civil Wars has selected his song!


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