So, it has been a crazy summer for me, turning into a fantastic fall. I can honestly say that life has been going well enough that I have much better things to do than to write about music. Don't get me wrong I still love music. After a concert free August, it's been a pretty solid month, catching Justin Townes Earle, William Elliott Whitmore, the Low Anthem, and this Friday catching Brown Bird opening for Dark, Dark, Dark. After months of heavy writing earlier this year, I am finally getting asked on a regular basis, "Dude, what's up with the blog?" I guess everyone is caught up now?!? I had too much for folks to keep up with before, but the amount I felt was necessary to make the blog successful. Well.. 100 posts later.. I've earned about $5. Picked up a few awesome free albums, and would have been put on a list for a show, if the event was big enough to even have a list. The best feedback I was given, was "Don't give up. You k...