LAST CONCERT: Matthew and the Atlas, the Low Anthem, and Mumford & Sons at Merriweather Post Pavilion in Columbia, MD.
NEXT CONCERT: AMY CORREIA. It's just me and the little one that night, so it should be pretty easy to grab her after work and head to NJ for the free show! I hope to get through more than 4 songs this time!
CONCERTS TBD: 311 & Sublime with Rome. 311 has gone way downhill since their first 3 discs (first 2 really, but who's counting), but they have managed to put out some stellar singles along the way. All Mixed Up
, Amber
, Creatures (For a While)
, Come Original
, Beautiful Disaster
, and I'll Be Here a While
. Also, they typically pick less than stellar tour partners. I haven't been inclined to see them live since a pairing with G Love many years ago. Sublime with Rome, is the best tour partner I would ever imagine. This really should be a fun show! I really just wish I could go back in time and re-live 311 live, on the release date (7-25-95) of the 311 Blue album, touring with Phunk Junkeez in a tiny club. THAT was live music at its best!
WHEN DID CONCERT/MUSIC INDUSTRY GET SO INSANE? I was hoping to check out a new (to me) venue here in Philadelphia; the highly recommended Johnny Brenda's , next week. On Tuesday June 14t, they host headliners Those Darlins . All the stars were lining up; I had secured a baby sitter, I had some friends possibly interested in going with the wife & me. Then I started looking at logistics: What time would the sitter come, When's the bus, What time does the band start? For Those Darlins a start time of 11pm??? What is happening here? I bet they have a radio spot the next day, or will have had one early the day of. Crazy? How can anyone keep up that pace? The only thing I can guarantee is that I am not making it for that one. Sorry JOHNNY BRENDA's, my debut will have to wait. Sorry Those Darlins, I'll catch you another time!
Molly, my daughter has some mad memory skills. I picked up two pieces of Iron & Wine stuff. 1st is the Daytrotter LP and second is a tour lanyard from the recent Kiss Each Other Clean tour from a friend. Now I admit, I'm somewhat obsessive over bands as well, and she does get some pretty good exposure at times, but I really haven't listened to Iron & Wine since April, thanks to a mini-obsession with Buke & Gass.
So, I have the LP sitting next to my computer on my desk, and she asks "Is that Sam Beam?" I love that she can be abstract like this! Even Better, is the photo from the lanyard. It is one of the graphics from the album, which has been in my listening lounge since April, yet when I showed her the picture she said "SAM BEAM!!!" Gotta love that, remembering a picture from two months ago, and knowing the reference of what it is from!
NEXT CONCERT: AMY CORREIA. It's just me and the little one that night, so it should be pretty easy to grab her after work and head to NJ for the free show! I hope to get through more than 4 songs this time!
CONCERTS TBD: 311 & Sublime with Rome. 311 has gone way downhill since their first 3 discs (first 2 really, but who's counting), but they have managed to put out some stellar singles along the way. All Mixed Up
WHEN DID CONCERT/MUSIC INDUSTRY GET SO INSANE? I was hoping to check out a new (to me) venue here in Philadelphia; the highly recommended Johnny Brenda's , next week. On Tuesday June 14t, they host headliners Those Darlins . All the stars were lining up; I had secured a baby sitter, I had some friends possibly interested in going with the wife & me. Then I started looking at logistics: What time would the sitter come, When's the bus, What time does the band start? For Those Darlins a start time of 11pm??? What is happening here? I bet they have a radio spot the next day, or will have had one early the day of. Crazy? How can anyone keep up that pace? The only thing I can guarantee is that I am not making it for that one. Sorry JOHNNY BRENDA's, my debut will have to wait. Sorry Those Darlins, I'll catch you another time!

So, I have the LP sitting next to my computer on my desk, and she asks "Is that Sam Beam?" I love that she can be abstract like this! Even Better, is the photo from the lanyard. It is one of the graphics from the album, which has been in my listening lounge since April, yet when I showed her the picture she said "SAM BEAM!!!" Gotta love that, remembering a picture from two months ago, and knowing the reference of what it is from!
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