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2011 Free Music - Best of... so far

I had a blast doing the precursor to this post Free Music 2010 Best of. It was a load of fun finding out more of these bands and getting to share it. I absolutely fell for Buke & Gass, the #1 from 2010, and I'm really hoping to find some gems for 2011 worth checking out their albums.

Keep an eye out for these posts, anything under the Free category above or the Tools to Enjoy Music category. I will keep trying to profile all the awesome places to get new and free music available for the masses; that is, if we all know where to look!

1. Those Dancing Days 'Fuckarias from Daydreams & Nightmares:
I downloaded with a CMJ March 2011 sampler. It is still free from the band's website.

'Fuckarias' from Those Dancing Days on Daydreams & Nightmares

Check out their whole album on their site

Thanks to alaniaegon who posted on YouTube an explanation of the song title:
"'Fuckarias' pronounced in Swedish sounds somewhat like “fooh-kah-REE-as” which again sounds like the name of a male person (similar to Swedish boy’s names such as Elias, Mattias, Tobias etc.).
So Fuckarias is a witty slang term for the really annoying type of guy that you just want to get rid of by all means."

The song makes so much more sense now. I hadn't gotten very far in understanding the song, outside of liking it. But with that simple explanation the lyrics fit right in.

Excerpt from 'Fuckarias' by Those Dancing Days
"I'm fed up
you're feeding
hold up my ears are bleeding
The weight of your words
will make me explode
just like your fat throat

I'm hiding
you're hunting
with my bad luck you'll find me
Those all seeing eyes
you took from the flies
You made a monster ready to strike

You're an uninvited clown
a foolish puppy with a too long tongue
you stumble and fall you're the worst of them all
You're in my space get out of my face"

This song really kicks some tail. The all female band from Sweden really tears it up from the speed drumming, to the synth/keyboard effect in the chorus. Now with the lyrics making sense with the name, it's a solid single to get amped up with!

For more info try Wikipedia

2. Hayes Carll ' 'KMAG YOYO' from KMAG YOYO (& Other American Stories)
Downloaded for free from Spin Magazine - March (no longer avail from Spin)

Texas based Hayes Carll is my favorite kind of country musician: great guitar, great lyrics, and a great story that's not confined to country music. KMAG YOYO is from the military acronym Kiss My Ass Guys, Your On Your Own. The song is great story, reminiscent to me of Men Who Stare At Goats and the fantastical journey within.

'KMAG YOYO' by Hayes Carll

Another superb track is 'Another Like You' also from KMAG YOYO (& Other American Stories) this was included in the iTunes SXSW sampler featuring Cary Ann Hearst.
The live duet features Bonnie Whitmore

While those above album tracks are no longer available for free. You can download the Hayes Carll Daytrotter Session from 4-18-11.
1. Grand Paradise
2. Stomp & Holler
4. Hide Me

For more info try or wiki/Hayes_Carll

3. The Civil Wars  'Barton Hollow' from Barton Hollow
This song was also free from the iTunes SXSW sampler, but no longer available free from most trusted sources. Unlike Hayes Carll, who was a duet for one single. The Civil Wars are a duo, Joy Williams and John Paul White.

'Barton Hollow' from the Civil Wars album Barton Hollow

While 'Barton Hollow' is no longer available free. From the Civil Wars website, you can download a full concert from 2009, featuring 'Poison and Wine' which had been featured on Grey's Anatomy

To learn more about the Civil Wars try their site or Wikipedia

4. Bibio 'Take Off Your Shirt from Mind Bokeh
I have no idea where I found this track. I can only guess it was from KCRW Today's Top Tune, as those don't stay downloadable, nor can you easily find them afterwards. The song is a NIN-esque track, so very similar to the intro of 'Echoplex' from The Slip.  I'm not suggesting anyting was lifted from Nine Inch Nails, but the similarities put me in a better mood as I reminisce a little to the later Nine Inch Nails albums.

'Echoplex' from the Slip by Nine Inch Nails

a YouTube special (just audio to 1 picture) of 'Take Off Your Shirt from Mind Bokeh by Bibio

For more info, try Wikipedia or MySpace.

5. Those Darlins 'Be Your Bro' from Screws Get Loose
Downloaded for free from Spin Magazine - May 2011.  Also available free from KEXP Today's Top Tune

'Be Your Bro' by Those Darlins

For more on the Tennessee rockers Those Darlins try this link!
You can sign up for their mailing list and get 'Screws Get Loose', or as part of a special promotion, you can get the track on a special EP

Hopefully it was a great show in Nashville tonight with Heavy Cream & Trophy Wife

If you are downloading the Spin Compilation (Available Only Through May 31st) be sure to give a listen to Telekinesis' 'Car Crash', Steve Earle, and The Head and the Heart
Telekinesis by telekinesismusic

Special Mention to The Republic Tigers 'Merrymake It With Me' I've been listening to their new E.P. and I should be reviewing that in it's entirety very soon.

Special Mention for Jessica Lea Mayfield's 'Our Hearts Are Wrong' already featured with her own FREE MUSIC post. I need to get my hands on her album for a better listen.


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