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Cover Song of the Week - Crazy by Ray LaMontange (original by Gnarls Barkley)

'Crazy' is one of those songs, that you love from the moment you hear it.  The smash hit from 2006 brought Mr. Cee-Lo Green to the forefront of music that summer; including a set I caught during Virgin Fest in Baltimore, MD.   The song instantly made it to all the weddings and formals.  Looking back, it was loud and clear at my wedding in NJ, in the midst of one hell of a party!

A live take of 'Crazy' by Gnarls Barkley

The problem with the song is that it when you're dancing you barely pay attention to the words.  I really had no idea about the personal strength Cee-Lo was writing about, until I had heard this awesome cover version.  Ray LaMontange.  The song slowed down, shows off the beauty of the lyrics much more.  From the second half of the song:

Come on now, who do you
Who do you, who do you, who do you think you are?
Ha ha ha, bless your soul
You really think you're in control?

I think you're crazy
I think you're crazy
I think you're crazy
Just like me

My heroes had the heart to lose their lives out on a limb
And all I remember is thinking, I wanna be like them

Ever since I was little, ever since I was little it looked like fun
And it's no coincidence I've come
And I can die when I'm done

But maybe I'm crazy
Maybe you're crazy
Maybe we're crazy

This weeks cover, is the said awesome verson.


To learn more about Cee-Lo Green, a.k.a. 1/2 of Gnarls Barkley or his song 'Crazy try these links:

For more Ray LaMontange try:


  1. I was at that show with you in 2006 and I must say that "Crazy" sounded great live. I wish Gnarls Barkley would put out something new in the caliber of that song. Nice cover by Ray LaMontange too!

  2. this is fascinating because i love gnarls barkley's CRAZY and to think of ray lamontange covering it? i wouldn't have ever thought it actually.

    i have an odd relationship with ray. he's great live, but his cds? don't love. don't even listen to them unless they're played by someone else and then i'm like, oh wow, love him! why is this?

    anyways, this cover is fantastic. thanks for including both videos! and thanks for playing CRAZY at your wedding. it was a crazy party, that's for sure. :)

  3. I'm that way with most Dave Matthews Band albums after FROM THESE CROWDED STREETS. I have them all, never listen to them at home, but when they come on, I wonder why I don't listen them?

    Have you seen Ray LaMontange live? Hopefully a small venue!

  4. I first thought you were talking about the Willie Nelson song. This is a cool song too, but I think Limp Bizkit would have done a better job than this version. They really knew how to rock. Ray Lamontagne is booorrinng.
    ps-I don't have to wonder why I don't listen to DMB. I'm too buzy rockin out to LB and Korn!

  5. Rockin' Ricky - good idea about the other 'Crazy' written by Willie and popularized by Patsy Cline. I once heard that live by Dolores O'Riordan of the Cranberries, and it was fantastic.
    I would imagine a Limp Bizkit version would be similar to their cover of 'Faith', loud & rowdy! Korn, however they do wussy covers like the Cure's 'Love Song'

  6. Korn does wussy covers-that unpossible. Korn rocks, dude. How about CREED!! They really are awesum. They should team up with Ray Lamontagne to help him rock out more.
    Keep rockin!!

  7. Big Papa J,
    I know you and I are normally under the same rock, but you have heard Cee Lo Green - 'Forget You' right? I would think that's on par.

  8. Cee Lo Green - 'Forget You'is definitely on par, either as "Forget You" or by the other title it's known as "F**k You". My comment was wishful thinking that Cee Lo and DJ Danger Mouse would reunite as Gnarls Barkley and put out a killer track/album. "Crazy" was lightning in a bottle and I'd like to see that duo do it again.


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